Leighton: Mom, why do you need to get married when you get older?
Thank you Disney Princesses.
Jen: You don't need to get married. Ever. Some people just do it. In fact, it's fairly common.
Leighton: It's common for moms and dads to get married?
Jen: Sometimes men marry women. And sometimes men marry men. And sometimes women marry women. Usually kids come after, but not always.
Leighton: Why do sometimes two girls get married?
Jen: People can marry whoever they want. It just depends whether you are attracted to men or women. Men and women together are the most common couples these days, but there are lots of women who marry women and men who marry men.
Long, thoughtful pause from the back seat.
Leighton: I am definitely attracted to boys, but I'm not sure I would ever marry one.
Jen: Oh?
Leighton: They are silly and rambunctious and don't listen very well and are messy. I'm just attracted to boys, but I might marry a girl. Maybe boys are different when they are growed up.
Jen: Um. Sure.
I wrote this down immediately because I can hardly believe a three year old brain is able to work through this line of reasoning. Bless you Miss Leighton. You make me smile several times every single day.
