Cute and clever - a wicked combination. Especially when we're talking about baby products. I spent the last sixteen months balancing bottles and nipples on a drying rack that resembled a warped starter set of Construx.
Why you ask? Because I didn't know any better.
When we moved, my mom showed up with a few treats for me. (Let me say that she rarely, if ever, shows up empty handed. In fact, Leighton's first move after greeting her Gaga is to rifle through her purse looking for gifts. Please remember that my mother only lives and hour away and we see her quite often. The pavlovian effect was swift).
This time, my gifties were two newAvent wide-mouth Natural Feeding bottles, a kickass bottle brush(also Avent) and the Boon Grass Drying Rack. Yes, Lei is a toddler but she still like her baba at night and I refuse to deprive her of such things until she's two. We have no baba shame in the Freeman house. Plus, she has been a straw drinker since eight months and does not like sippy cups. Hence, the baba.
I love the Avent products - made in England and beautifully designed. Still, the jackpot portion of my haul was the Boon Grass Drying Rack. It's two dishwasher-friendly pieces of fun that hold any baby item to dry completely. It's ingenious, adorable and takes a spin in the dishwasher without warping.
You can pick up your Boon Grass Drying Rack at Target for $15 - or closer to $20 elsewhere. This Fussworthy Must-Have makes a great shower gift and is not to be missed.
Just curious, at what age did your toddler give up the bottle? Parents seem to get nervous about it and my nanny said that the parents of her other charges were sheepishly wondering the same thing. Please leave a comment and share your fuss with us!
Jack gets one at bed time and that's it! I have my sassy little vices that I must I just can't take that away yet!! I am with you around 2-ish! They will let us know when they are ready...I am a big one of letting the little munckins be as they are while they still can! I am not in any hurry at all to make him be a big boy!
Posted by: Jackie | Friday, August 20, 2010 at 04:12 PM
We started with the sippy cup at 9 months to wean Myleigh off the bottle and then by a year we threw all her bottles away so we couldn't go back. We explained that her bottles went bye bye and now she has to use a sippy cup. It was a rough couple days but when she got thirsty enough she drank from it and never looked back. She was using a real cup by 16 months because her daycare center didn't use sippy cups.
Posted by: Jenn | Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 01:09 PM
Love this product and will be picking one up! Thans!
Posted by: Amy Serio | Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 11:53 AM