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Thursday, August 19, 2010


Jack gets one at bed time and that's it! I have my sassy little vices that I must have...so I just can't take that away yet!! I am with you around 2-ish! They will let us know when they are ready...I am a big one of letting the little munckins be as they are while they still can! I am not in any hurry at all to make him be a big boy!

We started with the sippy cup at 9 months to wean Myleigh off the bottle and then by a year we threw all her bottles away so we couldn't go back. We explained that her bottles went bye bye and now she has to use a sippy cup. It was a rough couple days but when she got thirsty enough she drank from it and never looked back. She was using a real cup by 16 months because her daycare center didn't use sippy cups.

Love this product and will be picking one up! Thans!

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