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Monday, January 11, 2010


I want to try one of these tubs -- I will probably register for one with baby #2.

As for other comments, everything I've read says NO NO NO to the bath seats. They give you a false sense of security but they detach unexpectedly and can send baby crashing into the water or hitting her head on the sides. Personally we don't need that kind of bath trauma.

We have the Elegant Baby squirties. Same deal with the dolphin and whale - they chase. I love it. She hasn't figured out how to squirt them yet though. She has no fear, so we have to keep her in her little seat. She raises hell in the pool too. Oy!

Oh my lord. I would love to see a picture of the champagne bucket thingy!

Well, it's not like the newbie will be able to get in the tub with the other two for quite some time so why not give the private bath a try? The other two would be curious for sure!

These are too cute. We have the Boon bath frog on the wall and I'm always looking for more toys to stuff in there. Thanks!

My favorite part about bath time with my son is just watching his little imagination soar. We bought him these little Munchkin squirt toys* and he uses a plastic shark whose mouth open and shuts to chase each little animal around the tub. this is usually followed with such running commentary as, "I'm gonna get you penguin..."

The worst thing about bath time? Big kid splashing. My two year old son (in a four year old's body) is for the most part great about keeping the splashing to a minimum, but sometimes, the excitement takes over and "drenched mommy" doesn't begin to cut it. But let's face it - it's just water. No real harm, no foul.


My favorite thing about bath time with my baby is that she is always so happy when she's in the warm water...and she is so stinkin' cute when she's in the tub!

My favorite thing about bath time is how excited my 1yr old gets when it's bath time!

Favorite thing about bath time: squirt toys!


Our least favorite part of bathing our daughter (7 months) is the screaming and the trauma of it all!!! We started using a champagne bottle chilling bucket thingy and she likes it so much better than the big vast scary bath... We would love a Tummy Tub!

Our daughter (7 months) loves baths in her Tummy Tub :) She has enjoyed her baths from the start. With our two older boys (8 & 6) we did not have a Tummy Tub. I highly recommend the Tummy Tub!

Wow, what to say about bathtime? Our two (6 and 2) love to fight, splash, and generally make for a wet experience. So maybe the TT won't be much worse? With #3 on the way, I've been looking at the TT as an alternative to the usual bending over in the tub, plus something to recommend to patients looking for advice. Thanks for the pics and videos, love to see the TT in action.

Dino bath toys: http://www.worldmarket.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3596901

We are probably past tummy tub stage (don't enter us to win it) but LOVE the video of Lei! Nothing like a sassy little bather to spice up the evening! The tummy tub is adorable, if nothing else. We have had our ups and downs with bath time. Claire went thru a phase where the bath seat (we used safety 1st) was essential & made her feel safe. Now she has embraced the open water, kicks around and loves to play. We like the bath time letters/numbers that stick on the wall and for some reason Claire loves to snuggle with the dinosaur scrubbie (?).

I just looked at the duck. FUN!

If/when Reagan grows tired of the duck, google "baby bath seat" for a number of different, fun little chair-type seats. Leighton has been using one since right around six months and she still loves it. Plus, I feel safe without having to deal with a wet towel.

Thanks so much for sharing your fuss, and good luck with the drawing!


Since Reagan has just started sitting up, the best part about bath time is watching her splash around in the water. We graduated to the big girl tub, but have this silly blow up duck thing (http://www.munchkin.com/products/detail.html?pID=168) that she also loves. Some times it sticks to her skin, so we don't always use that, but it feels safer then just sitting on a towel in the tub.

Other then that, I love the smell of her after she's all washed up. It's intoxicating.

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